S.a.k.o sense
SAKO is the acronym for my work foundation:
S connects Somatics with Sensuality,
A is the body stimulation through Acupuncture and
Chinese Medicine,
K is the creation and movement in bodies/Koerper,
O guides Orientation and spatial awareness in our life.
I offer holistic medical treatment,
sessions in movement and massage therapy.
My other fields of interest are the work with group dynamics and conscious living, expressed in workshops, events, art formats
and tours in public spaces.

Somatics is a process of reconnecting to your inner and outer home: your body. Working on movement patterns and your structure with exercises, hands-on and tools to reflect upon your experiences and to incorporate them into daily life.
Acupuncture & TCM
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chinese Medicine offers an holistic view on the body, spirit and mind.
If yin and yang are not balanced qi stagnation occurs, which may lead to pain, emotional stress or chronic illnesses.
Working along the meridians with Acupuncture and -pressure, Gua Sha and Cupping can reactivate your self-regulation, effecting your fascia, blood flow and nervous system.
First Session 120-180min - 80 EUR
all follow-ups 60-90min - 80 EUR
Private and additional Inscurances cover some treatments.
5 session-plan - 360 EUR
10 session-plan - 700 EUR
I do offer Soli-Spots please ask me to register and receive financially-fully-covered health-sessions.

Coaching & Workshops
Guidance based on TCM nutrition
& somatic movement
Somatic Workshops:
Somatic Grounding,
Resistance & Release,
Laying Down
Other Formats:
Pop-Up Praxis and performative Bodywork at Events
Common Wellness Nexus
immersive performance with -the mind machine-, interwaving neurosience, art & bodywork
Somatic City Walks (performative city tours in Berlin *postponed*)
Collaborations with Project Playground
Floating Shift: An Ecosensual Journey
Massage Practice
I offer various qualities of touch and massage experiences.
Meridian Massage | Wellness Massage | Somatic Touch
In my sessions you can choose wether you want certain styles to fusionate according to your needs or focus on one specific treatment.
60min - 60 EUR
90min - 80 EUR
180min - 160 EUR
Private and additional Inscurances cover some treatments.
Social pricing, group offers, 5/10 session plan on request

About Sako:
sarah Koenig
SAKO is an acupuncturist, holistic somatic practitioner and massage therapist.
Their workplaces include IKSK (the Berlin institute for sexual culture and body research) at Holzmarkt and OMA OM (ceramics, movement and praxis space) at Rixdorf, Berlin.
As facilitator and artist, Sako creates workshops, performances and events within the spectrum of Care and Intimacy through Movement&Play, Interventions related to Health Practices, embodied discussions and networking formats. Their focus lies on the usage of somatic tools to shape communication and authentic relating.
They are an ex pirate tantric and the founder of Project Playground, a collective dedicated to the art of play.
certified education:
2016-2024 Somatic Academy
2021 Heilpraktiker:in (Health Practioner)
2017-2020 HPS Bethanien (alternative medicine studies | TCM & Bodywork)
Experiences and trainings within
TCM: Acupuncture, Cupping, GuaSha, Moxa, Tongue & Pulse diagnosis
Massage: Shiatsu, Swedish/Classic, Massage, Tuina, Yin-Yang, Fascial Release
Bodywork: Somatic Yoga, Authenic Movement, Feldenkrais, Continuum Movement, Somatic Touch, Body-Mind-Centering, Middendorf Breath-Work, Cranio Sakrale
Current Session Types
2 hr
80 euros1 hr 30 min
80 euros1 hr 30 min
80 euros1 hr
60 euros1 hr
60 euros30 min
37 euros3 hr
365 euros
OMA OM (Ceramics,
Movement and Praxis-space)
Richardstrasse 43
12055 Berlin
Please use seperate praxis-entrance
Ring OMA OM Krautraum/Praxis
Wednesdays & Fridays:
(Institute for Sexual Culture
und Bodyresearch)
Holzmarktstrasse 25
10243 Berlin
House 2 / 4th Floor Ring IKSK